Guidance, inspiration and recipes An enjoyable, nutritious, and delicious start for your baby.
Baby Mealtimes
A subscription database filled with balanced meal inspiration, recipes, finger food ideas and a step-by-step guide to introducing foods, all designed to make feeding your baby fuss-free.
Consider it the Netflix of what and how to feed your baby.
Explore the first foods guide and confidently introduce solids without stress.
Select from our recipe list to create balanced meals that are delicious and nutritious.
Scroll through the finger food gallery of over 450 images that are designed to match your baby’s specific skill level.
An enjoyable, nutritious, and delicious start for your baby.
Who knew introducing solids would feel like the wild west instead of the wonderful world of food?
Perhaps this is your first time introducing solids to your baby and you’re a little overwhelmed with all the options, methods, and opinions out there. Or maybe this is your second time around and you’re looking to avoid having a second fussy-eating toddler, one thing’s for sure.
And not only will we help you to feed your baby confidently, we will support you to raise a confident eater who has a healthy relationship with food and their body as they get older.
Welcome to the original & the best evidence-based approach to introducing solids.
Conflicting advice is the source of your confusion. So you can quit the mum guilt. It’s not your fault.
There is something you can do that’ll make your experience infinitely better, though.
It’s time to stop Googling, hit that unfollow button, and start listening to a group of trusted health professionals who use a clear, evidence-based approach to helping you feed your little one.
Baby Mealtimes is led by Dr Kyla Smith, a Paediatric Dietitian specialising in preventing and managing fussy eating. With over 50 years of combined experience, her dream team of dietitians and paediatric specialists, Baby Mealtimes uses an evidence-based approach to starting solids.
What that means for you is that all our guides, video tutorials, food database, and methods are tried and tested. We don’t rely on new trends or old wives' tales, instead letting science lead the way.

Ready to get started?
We have 2 memberships to choose from
From dread to joy
If you want a team of specialists to guide you through the starting solids journey…
If you want to know step by step how to cut, cook, and prepare food to feed your baby safely…
If you want someone to think for you, so all you need to do is follow simple instructions that you can do half asleep (because sleep deprivation is real and painful)…
If you want to learn how to trust your baby…
It’s not just about feeding your little one. It’s about creating an enjoyable, confident, and stress-free experience for you, too.
Baby Mealtimes will help you feed your baby from their very first food all the way through until they’re 12 months old with ease.
“You've changed my experience of feeding my child into something I enjoy rather than dread.” – Nicole, Baby Mealtimes Member

Baby Mealtimes
A subscription database filled with balanced meal inspiration, recipes, finger food ideas and a step-by-step guide to introducing foods, all designed to make feeding your baby fuss-free.
Our team
will take your hand and walk you through step by step exactly what to do and how to introduce solids without the stress. We’ve done all the thinking for you.
The practical information
grows with your baby, as you progress from first foods through to breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We’ll prepare you for the next stage in your feeding journey.
The galleries
give you access to photos of hundreds of finger foods, simple recipes and meal ideas, organised into specific skill levels, with clear instructions. Zero complicated steps here.
Welcome to your judgement-free, stress-free, evidence-based approach backed by science to help you start solids successfully.
So whats the plan? Our approach to introducing solids in 4 simple steps
Get Confident
Get clued up on exactly what you need to know before you load the spoon so you can confidently introduce foods without the stress.
Inside the Baby Mealtimes subscription, you’ll get access to a quick-start guide with an overview of all the information you need to understand the big picture of feeding, get the practical bits in place, and build your confidence when choosing food for your baby.
Understand Age-Specific Foods & How To Feed Them.
Every stage of the solids journey requires food to be chopped, prepped, and cooked differently. Tailor your food to your baby’s needs.
Inside the Baby Mealtimes subscription, you’ll get access to our quick guides for feeding at every age. From first foods to feeding your eleven-month-old, and every month in between, you’ll know exactly how to serve food best suited for your baby.
Effortless Finger Food, Recipes & Meals
It takes time and practise for your baby to work out how to bite, chew, move food to the back of their mouth and swallow. You don’t need to ‘teach’ your baby to eat, but you do need to give them foods that they can manage, and gradually offer slightly trickier textures to challenge your baby.
Inside the Baby Mealtimes subscription, we’ve created a set of levels for finger foods and spoon foods to help you work out how tricky different foods are so you can work out what to offer your baby next. Inspiration will be endless with our gallery of over 400 finger foods, recipes, and meal ideas.
Step 4. Find Your People & Feel Safe
Find a judgement-free zone and share the journey with other parents. And don’t forget your dream team of expert health professionals to answer all of your questions along the way.
Inside the Baby Mealtimes subscription, you’ll get access to our private supportive Facebook group where you’ll get direct access to Dr Kyla and her team of feeding specialists, as well as other Baby Mealtimes parents on the same journey as you.
When you’ve got access to a team of paediatric dietitians and feeding specialists, here’s what happens:
You make decisions easily. No overthinking. No confusion. You know exactly what you’re going to feed your baby every meal, every day, every week.
You stop crowd-sourcing help, instead going straight to the professionals. Your Instagram returns to stalking celebrities and the only thing in your browser is your last Wordle game.
You know you’re doing right by your child. You aren’t just confidently feeding them nutritious meals in the moment. It’s way more than that. You’re setting them up for a lifetime of enjoyable eating, a healthy relationship with food, and fostering connections around the dinner table.
The result?
Full access for all memberships Here’s What You Get In The Baby Mealtimes Subscription
Practical Guides
A practical guide to starting solids including how to know when your baby is ready, what to look for in a highchair, what spoons, bowls and utensils you’ll need, how to cook and prepare the food, and what to expect the first time you feed your baby. Hint: it’s not a lot of eating.
Age Appropriate Info
Age-specific and age-appropriate food guides ranging from 5 months to 12 months, showing you the texture, variety, and things to remember when it comes to feeding your baby at a certain age. Did you know that it’s very rarely about ‘how much’ they eat?
Galleries Galore
An extensive picture gallery of almost 500 finger foods that range in textures and provide ample practice for your baby to progress their biting, chewing, and swallowing skills.
A wide variety of searchable delicious, nutrition, and balanced recipes created and approved by a Paediatric Dietitian
Video Content
Bite-sized (pardon the pun) videos you can watch and listen to when you’re nap trapped on a range of topics like how to set up your equipment, how to safely handle gagging and choking, and how to introduce allergens.
Access to our private supportive judgement-free Facebook Group. Our feeding specialists will respond to every question you ask.
Extensive Q&A
24/7 access to our Q&A section answering all of the most common speed bumps in the first year of solids. Do you have a highchair escape artist, a finger food painting Picasso or a babe who can stuff more food into their cheeks than a chipmunk? Breathe a sigh of relief, our Q&A section answers all of these!
Food is to be enjoyed. Food is cultural. Food builds family bonds.
So trying to follow someone else’s meal plan, rigid rules, or dietary requirements isn’t going to make your life easier. It’s going to add unnecessary pressure, making meal times infinitely harder.
At Baby Mealtimes, it’s not our way.
With our support and framework, we help you find your own way to feeding your baby with confidence.

Test drive us for only $29.
The Baby Mealtimes subscription is based on decades of experience as paediatric dietitians and health professionals. But, as with any aspect of parenting, this approach might not work for you. Every baby, every parent, and every family is unique. We totally respect that.
Select the monthly membership, pay $29, take us for a test drive, and if you don't love your Baby Mealtimes membership, you can cancel any time.
Get a paediatric dietitian in your pocket for a fraction of the cost. And without the 6-week waitlist.
The Baby Mealtimes membership comes with access to Dr Kyla and her team of feeding specialists. If you can’t find the right answers quickly, ask questions in our Facebook Group, and get a response within 48 hours. Plus join Dr Kyla’s exclusive member-only Q&A sessions each month.
Learn how to feed your baby with ease.
Enjoy mealtimes with your little one.
Feel good about feeding.
Full access for all memberships Here’s What You Get In The Baby Mealtimes Subscription
Practical Guides
A step by step guide to getting started
Age Appropriate Info
Specific information & guidance about what to expect at every age and stage
Galleries Galore
Photo galleries to browse for finger food & meal ideas
Simple, delicious and nutritious recipes
Video Content
Short & simple 'how-to' videos
Extensive Q&A
Guidance from a team of feeding specialists